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2015-04-21 12:23:58
The fault of hydraulic operating mechanism for high voltage circuit breaker, mainly occurred in the year 7 ~ August high temperature in summer. Hydraulic mechanism of Shengli Oilfield substation high voltage breaker CY5, CY3, CYA several models, with the example of CY5 are common faults frequent start pump, pressure anomaly high abnormal pressure is low, oil pumping time long or not hit on the pressure, not to move or closing.
1 oil pumping time long or not hit on the pressure
油泵从零压起至微动开关(1W)断开止,3min以内为合格,超过3min为打压时间长。检查济南施耐德 http://www.sdflauto.com/ 油泵逆止阀或高压出口逆止阀密封、油泵柱塞密封垫是否不严;油泵内部是否存有空气;油泵柱塞间隙是否过大;油泵内螺栓是否松动。油泵打不上压现象是油泵一直运转而压力停在某一值不上升,可能是高压放油阀未关闭,低压进油管路堵塞,油泵内存在气体,油泵逆止阀密封不严,密封垫或胶垫损坏。打压接触器因老化造成主触头接触不良,打压回路不能导通。可用CJ一40代替CZO一40。更换后的打压接触器性能优良,提高了防尘、防雨性能,运行至今无故障发生。微动开关采用密封式,损坏后应加更换,更换时应检查其触点是否良好、外壳绝缘应符合标准、顶子无卡涩现象。
The pump pressure from zero to the micro switch (1W) disconnect only, within 3min for qualified, more than 3min long time. Check the Ji'nan Schneider pump non-return valve or pressure outlet check valve seal, pump plunger seal is not strict; the internal pump whether the air pump plunger; clearance is too large; the bolts are loose in the oil pump. The pump pressure is not hit on the phenomenon of pump operation and pressure pause in a value does not rise, may be the high pressure oil drain valve is not closed, low pressure oil inlet pipeline plugging, pump memory in gas, oil pump non-return valve Mifengbuyan, sealing pad or pad damage. To suppress the contactor main contact because of aging caused by poor contact, to suppress the circuit conduction can not be. Available CJ a 40 instead of a 40 CZO. To suppress the contactor performance after the replacement of fine, improve the dustproof and rainproof performance, operation has no fault. The micro switch adopts a sealing, damage should be added after the replacement, the replacement should check the contact is good, the shell insulation shall comply with the standards, Dingzi without blocking phenomenon.
2 not to move or closing
The main reason is divided, the closing coil disconnection or coil connection is bad; branch closing electromagnet valve stem jam, deformation, bending; opening and closing the valve stem is too short; operation circuit or auxiliary switch caused by bad, bad points closing circuit. Using a multimeter to check branch closing coil resistance and a loop or auxiliary switch contact, opening and closing the valve stem is too short should be adjusted; the closing level check ball valve ball supporting position should be put it.
3 hydraulic oil is not clean
Hydraulic oil is not clean caused by failure accounted for about 60%, to take measures to: cleaning of the high and low pressure pipe by a qualified hydraulic oil; for the demolition of the components are made of hydraulic oil cleaning, to remove impurities; the wiping mechanism box with the ball of dough; impurity with fine silken cloth to filter hydraulic oil iron etc..